amazon niche site budget

How Much Does It Cost to Build an Amazon Niche Site?

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Building and ranking a niche site has become quite a challenging task these days. From niche selection, keyword research, content creation, and on-page to off-page optimization, the entire process can be complex and time-consuming.

For this reason, many people now opt to buy a pre-made niche site instead of building one from scratch. Some even recommend this approach. However, in my opinion, buying a ready-made site isn’t always the best or smartest decision, although it can save time.


Because taking a niche site from scratch to the earning stage takes at least 12 months. It requires a lot of time, money, and effort. So, purchasing a ready-made site isn’t necessarily a bad option.

I view niche sites as something that requires dedication. You need to take ownership of the process to succeed. Success doesn’t just come by throwing money at it. Simply investing money in this space won’t guarantee success.

That said, if you’re considering purchasing services or a pre-made site to get started, here’s an approximate budget breakdown based on my own experience. This is purely my opinion, drawn from my projects.

Why the adjustments?
I’ve slightly edited the cost breakdown below because, in my upcoming project, I’ll only be outsourcing content. For points 1, 2, and 4, I plan to spend money while I’ll be handling the rest myself.

Even though I’ll be doing some tasks myself, they still have value, and I’ve included the estimated cost for these tasks. For instance, I’ve estimated $250 for keyword research, which is not enough considering the effort and time involved. It’s just a reasonable estimate.

So, let’s look at the costs involved in starting a niche site from scratch:

  1. Domain and Hosting: $30 (Recommended for beginners: ExonHost)
  2. Theme and Plugins: $100 (Definitely Genesis)
  3. Keyword Research: $250 (Both money and info keywords)
  4. Content (minimum 30,000 words): $900 (Native writer)
  5. Site Design + Content Publishing: $300
  6. On-Page Optimization + Speed Boost: $150
  7. Miscellaneous: $100
    Total: $1,830

If you want good service, this is approximately the cost you can expect for setting up a niche site.


For off-page optimization, you’ll need to spend another $1,500–$2,000.

If you’re willing to make this investment, it’s possible to earn $500+ per month from the site. With scaling, you could potentially increase that to $1,250–$1,500 per month.

6 thoughts on “How Much Does It Cost to Build an Amazon Niche Site?”

  1. “অবশ্যই অবশ্যই জেনেসিস”

    কেনো সেটা যদি একটু ডিটেলস বলতেন ভাইয়া। এটা নিয়া খুব confusion এ আছি

    • জেনেসিস অনেক লাইটওয়েট থিম এবং কাস্টমাইজ করা খুবই সহজ। এই জন্য নতুনদের জন্য এটা প্রিফারেবল।

    • ভাই, আমি ফ্রিল্যান্সার ডট কম এবং আমার ক্লায়েন্টের ইন-হাউজ রাইটার থেকে আর্টিক্যাল নিই।


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