Let’s Learn How We Can Fail Easily

Let’s Learn How We Can Fail Easily

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You’ve probably read plenty of success stories about niche sites, and you’ll likely read more in the future. So, I won’t dive into that today. Instead, let’s talk about something that people rarely discuss—or even if they do, you may not want to read it.

Because, honestly, who wants to read stories of failure? We all see ourselves as heroes, and we enjoy reading stories about becoming a hero. Naturally, we gravitate towards niche site success stories.

But in this article, I’m going to discuss some issues that lead to failure. If you read this, you’ll gain clarity on why people fail. If you don’t read it, that’s fine too. You’ll still find your way to failure without it, I assure you. However, the difference is that without this insight, you might suffer even more, and I can assure you of that, too.

So, without further ado, let’s skip the success stories and dive straight into the stories of failure. Yes, I’m definitely going to talk about Amazon affiliate marketing, but I’ll also touch on other related areas, such as Insha’Allah.

Niche Site Myth

Why Do We Want to Succeed?

We all know that not everyone in the world is successful, and that’s because success is hard. But do you realize that failure can be even harder? If you look closely, you’ll notice there comes a point in life when a person can no longer remain a failure—they are forced to succeed. It’s an incredibly tough situation, which is why many highly successful people have chosen the path of self-destruction.

Does that mean I’m suggesting that success is not worth pursuing?

No, not at all. In fact, have you ever seen examples where people fail and still manage to succeed in some way? If you look around, you’ll find them. But for now, let’s not get sidetracked. Today’s discussion is focused on Amazon affiliate marketing.

So, back to the question: Why do we want to succeed?

There are many reasons we strive for success—whether for ourselves, our families, or society at large. Among these, the most dangerous reason is the desire to succeed for oneself. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this overwhelming desire for success is what leads many people to failure, despair, and frustration. So, does that mean we should abandon our desire for success?

The desire for success is natural; it’s inherent in us as human beings. The key point, however, is that the definition of success is relative. What success means to me may not be the same for you. Given that success is so unpredictable and personal, it’s easier to talk about failure.

Money or Skill?

Money or Skill

Success brings money. But chasing success just for money leads to failure. Confused? Read that again, and it might start to make sense. The point is that when people achieve what they truly desire, they feel successful.

For most, that desire is money. So, if you become successful, money will follow. But if your primary focus is becoming successful just for the money, your chances of success will diminish—and in some cases, it could lead to failure.


The reason is simple: a person can only focus on one thing at a time. When the focus is divided, it becomes impossible to stay committed to either. There’s an old proverb in our villages: “You can’t walk with a foot in two boats.” I’m sure you’ve heard it.

To be truly successful, you need to focus on success itself, not its by-products like money. If your focus shifts elsewhere, you won’t be able to concentrate on achieving success, nor will you do what’s necessary to reach it.

Now, if you can truly internalize the idea that success will bring money, you won’t need to chase after wealth directly. But you must be deeply convinced of this truth, not just say it to yourself but believe it with all your heart. If you’re certain that money will come once you succeed, you can focus entirely on doing what it takes to be successful without worrying about the financial reward.

So, what do you need to do to become successful?

Nothing but improve your skills. Build your expertise, and success will follow. And when success comes, money will inevitably come with it. On the flip side, if you chase success solely for money, failure and disappointment will be your reward.

Now, you’ve learned how to set yourself up for failure.

Wait! I have more ninja techniques for failing spectacularly if you want to explore that further.

Ninja Techniques for Failing at Niche Sites

Ninja Techniques for Failing at Niche Sites

If you follow the techniques I’m about to share, nothing can stop your failure. You’ll be guaranteed to fail spectacularly. So, buckle up, sit tight, and get ready.

First Ninja Technique: Jump In Without a Plan

The first golden rule to ensure failure in niche sites is to start hastily, without any planning whatsoever. Begin so suddenly that even you aren’t fully aware of what you’re doing. Feel inspired one day and dive right in—don’t bother with planning, research, SEO, or affiliate marketing knowledge. Just jump in, headfirst.

Trust me, if you start like this, your failure is inevitable. No one will be able to stop it.

Do you understand how important planning is for a niche site? If not, no expert can help you succeed. Even if you gather a team of experts, they won’t be able to save you from failure if you don’t understand the significance of planning.

Got it? Or are you still a little confused? 😉

Second Ninja Technique

The second ninja technique to guarantee failure in the realm of niche sites—and to fail in one project after another is to stay highly active on social networks like Facebook. Spend your entire day reading about others’ success stories, browsing through groups, watching videos, and gawking at various earning screenshots on different sites. And then promptly start new niche sites based on those stories. Who can prevent your failure, then?

Yes, while one person might get motivated by seeing a screenshot, at least 99 others fall into depression. That’s why I oppose sharing earnings screenshots. In trying to make one person successful, you’re trapping ninety-nine others in the depths of failure. This is extremely harmful, especially for beginners and those working tirelessly but haven’t achieved significant results yet. For them, these screenshots are like a curse.

We only see the earnings, but we overlook the immense effort, dedication, hardship, pain, cruelty, and countless sleepless nights behind them; none of that catches our eye.

So, if you wish to fail, keep obsessively looking at more earning screenshots. Then, while fantasizing about sharing similar screenshots yourself someday, go ahead and start two or three more niche sites.

But if you want to succeed, do not distance yourself from social networks (especially Facebook) to avoid seeing those screenshots. If you do stay away, you might accidentally succeed! So, stay connected with Facebook and stay foolish. Consider failure as your bonus reward. Hehehe!

Third Ninja Technique

Alright, now let’s move on to the third ninja technique. This one is particularly common among many of our fellow brothers and sisters in the country. By using this ninja technique, you can easily ensure your failure in the niche site world.

Since most people here feel more comfortable copying others rather than showing creativity, they often start by copying someone else’s niche site. What happens is this: someone sees another person’s niche site and decides to replicate it without understanding why that site used a specific theme, like Genesis, Thrive, or GeneratePress. They think, “If that person used it, I’ll use it too,” without knowing the reasoning behind it.

Now, if they were to actually apply their creativity and build something unique that fits their niche and style, they might accidentally succeed. But, to ensure they don’t, they avoid tapping into their creativity.

To guarantee failure, they often buy themes and plugins through group buys or use nulled versions. Some even shamelessly use cracked themes and plugins.

Why, my friend? Why are you so eager to fail?

Instead of going down this path, what’s wrong with using free themes and plugins? If you’re on a budget, it’s a thousand times better to use free themes and plugins than to use pirated or cracked versions of paid ones.

Don’t believe me? I have plenty of evidence to support this. I’ve seen countless cases. You can see it, too, by looking at your site. 😉

Fourth Ninja Technique

Now, let me introduce you to the fourth ninja technique for ensuring failure: improper use of caching plugins. Many of our fellow brothers and sisters in the country believe that the only purpose of a caching plugin is to speed up the website. Very few marketers know anything beyond that.

But here’s my simple advice: If you don’t know how to properly set up or use a caching plugin, avoid using it altogether. Thousands of sites rank and generate sales without any caching plugin, and they still manage to be flipped for profit.

Website speed doesn’t solely depend on hosting or caching plugins. You can manually optimize your site’s speed without relying on these tools.


Just invest 7-8 hours learning from Google and YouTube tutorials, and you’ll be able to do it yourself. You don’t need to be a highly skilled web developer. So, there’s no reason to sabotage your site by unthinkingly using plugins like WP Rocket.

From my experience, WP Rocket can cause many issues if not properly configured. It may show good performance initially, but over time, it can degrade your site’s performance. Without the right settings, your site might turn into a junkyard.

But since you’re determined to fail, I’d say go ahead and keep using these plugins without knowing how to configure them. Just be prepared for the fallout when it comes! Hehehe!

Fifth Ninja Technique

A common mistake many marketers make is their approach to hosting. They think, “I’ll start with a cheap, ‘lame’ hosting plan, and once my niche site starts making good money (say $5,000 a month 😉 ), I’ll upgrade to better hosting.”

This mindset is suicidal. Choosing the right hosting is critical, especially for beginners. But if you take a moment to think it through calmly, you’ll realize a lot.

So, did that make sense? If not, well, enjoy the taste of failure.

But remember, the game will be played regardless!

Sixth Ninja Technique?

No, I’m not going to write about that just yet. However, if you’re really eager to fail even more spectacularly, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to do it. No one can stop you. Even if I don’t write about them, you’ll figure them out.


From your own experience, of course! What else?


I’ve written about various topics—article quality, site design, niche site planning A to Z, basic link building A to Z, Amazon myths, guest posting, and so on.

This particular topic had been on my mind for quite a while, but due to a lack of time, I couldn’t get to it earlier. I’ve probably forgotten several points as well, but if I remember them in the future, I’ll update this post, Insha’Allah.

On a personal note, I hope you don’t chase after success, failure, wealth, power, or prestige. Instead, focus on improving your skills as much as you can. Insha’Allah, success, income, wealth, and recognition will come knocking at your door.

Stay well, everyone. Happy Affiliate Marketing!

9 thoughts on “Let’s Learn How We Can Fail Easily”

  1. আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম ভাইয়া
    অনেক ভালো লিখেছেন ভাইয়া। সব ঠিক আছে কিন্তু আপনি তো টেকনিকটা শিখাইদিলেন না কিভাবে ডাব্লিউপি রকেট প্লাগিন সেটিং করতে হবে। এই প্লাগিন টা তো পেইড। ফ্রি না। তাই আপনি এর সঠিক সেটিং টা আমাদের কাছে তুলে ধরুন।


  2. খুব ভালো লাগলো পড়ে! আমার মত নিউবিদের জন্য পারফেক্ট। সবাইকে রিকমেন্ড করবো পড়ার জন্য।

  3. সাধারণত ব্লগে তেমন কমেন্ট করা হয়ে ওঠে না।কিন্তু আপনার এই পোস্টে কমেন্ট না করে পারলাম না। খুবই সুন্দর লেগেছে ভাই।

  4. আমি একজন নিউবি. আমার মনে হয় আমার মতো। নিউবি দের জন্য এটা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ন একটা টপিক. পড়ে আনেক কিছু শিখেছি এবং বুজেছি. ধন্যবাদ ভাই দোয়া ও ভালোবাসা রইলো আপনার জন্য

  5. আমার মনে হয় ইন্টারনেটে এই প্রথম বাংলায় কোন অসফল হওয়ার গল্প দেখলাম ও পড়লাম। তবে এটা পড়ে অসফল
    না হয়ে সফল হওয়ার অনেকটা দিক নের্দেশাও পেলাম।

    ধন্যবাদ বিল্লাল ভাই…. সব কিছুর পাশাপাশি স্ক্রিনশট বিষয়ে আপনার মন্তব্যটি ১০০% সঠিক।


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