create successful niche site

How to Turn a Failed Niche Site into a Success?

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Yes, I’m talking to you. Does your story sound something like this?

A few months ago, you created a niche site.

Back then, you had limited experience. You didn’t know much. Your keyword research skills were lacking. You didn’t know how to build quality backlinks. The articles weren’t great, and there were countless on-page SEO mistakes. Maybe those mistakes are still there.

So naturally, after months of effort, time, and money, it feels like everything has failed—right? I don’t even need to say it, do I?

Now the question is, what should you do in this situation?

Are you thinking of abandoning this failed project and starting a new one? And with that new project, you’ll crush it? Hit four digits in monthly income and flip it for six digits.

But are you sure the new project won’t fail like the last one? Can you avoid making similar mistakes and frustrations a few months later? Are you certain?

So, the real question is, what can you do now? What’s the right course of action?

Many people message me with these kinds of questions. I try to provide solutions as best I can. I’ve been thinking, why not post about this topic in the group? The more I thought about it, the more complex the subject became. It grew too long for a group post, so I decided to turn it into an article instead.

It’s been a while since I’ve written an article for you, and I’m excited. I hope this will be helpful to you. So, let’s get started.

Successful Niche Site

How to Know if Your Niche Site Has Failed?

Most people in our country venture into niche site projects by following others. For instance, they hear that a particular person is making a significant income from niche sites, so they believe they can do the same. Someone else is crushing it in the sports niche, so they think they can do it, too. Another person bought a domain and is now earning a substantial amount, so why can’t they? Or they see people making a fortune from sites about bicycles or motorcycles and think, “I may not make four lakhs a month, but at least I can earn forty thousand, which is more than enough for me.”

Believe it or not, these thoughts are driven by emotion, and success in niche sites is not achieved through emotion alone.

There are some common reasons why people feel like their niche site has failed, and I want to discuss those now. Hopefully, you’ll find that some of these points resonate with you, and you can learn from them to improve your existing niche site.

The most common answer is when a mentor tells you it has failed. But now the critical thing to understand is: what level is this mentor? If they are successful in the niche site field, they will never label a site as a failure.


Because every niche site has something to offer.


When you engage in any practical work, you are bound to learn something from it, even if the project doesn’t meet your expectations.

Take a moment to rewind. Thinking back to before you started your first niche site, you’ll realize that you know much more now than you did then. Consider this as your success.

However, today, I want to take this further and show you how you can make your so-called “failed” niche site valuable.

There are also other reasons why you might feel your niche site has failed, such as:

  • Mistakes in niche selection
  • Faulty keyword research
  • Wrong domain choice
  • Issues with articles/content
  • Errors in on-page and off-page SEO
  • Wrong product selection
  • And other factors

These may be some of the mistakes you’ve made, possibly one or more from the list above. But what if I told you that despite these mistakes, you can still turn your niche site into a success?

Want to know how?

Let’s dive in, step by step.

Mistakes in Niche Selection

I’ve noticed a common trend in our community: many people start niche sites for cycling or fishing. When I say many, I mean the majority begin with these niches. And inevitably, they later identify this choice as a mistake. After a few months or maybe a year, they feel their niche site has failed because they believe choosing a saturated niche was their most significant error.

But that’s not the truth. I’m saying that even if you started with a saturated niche, you didn’t make a mistake. Maybe the work has become more challenging for you, but that doesn’t mean you chose the wrong niche.

You might be wondering: Really? I didn’t make a mistake? But how?

Yes, brother. Yes, sister. You didn’t make a mistake. If you want, you can still make the right decisions moving forward. This will become clearer later on when we discuss mistakes in keyword research.

Let me ask you this: Do you or I only shop at big stores or supermarkets? Don’t we sometimes buy essential items from small, local shops or the corner store in our neighborhood?

Why? We do, don’t we?

Another common question is: “What niche should I work on? Which niche is easier to work with?” My answer is always the same: Work on the niche you are genuinely interested in.

However, after Google’s YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) update, it’s better not to work in health or medically prescribed niches unless you are an expert.

Mistakes in Keyword Research

If you feel that your niche site has failed because of mistakes in keyword research, let me assure you it’s not the end of the road. You can quickly turn your “failed” site into a success.

Easily? How?

I’ve answered this question in inbox messages to countless people. So, let me explain it here to save everyone the trouble.

You probably followed conventional methods when building your niche site, like using keyword research techniques from 4–5 years ago. You might have selected keywords based on search volume, the number of niche or e-commerce sites on the first page, DA/PA scores, and so on.

Perhaps, at that time, you weren’t as updated with Google’s changes as you are now, so you didn’t know the easier way to do keyword research. Making mistakes is natural, and now you’re considering starting a new niche site to correct them.

But wait! Please, don’t! Instead of starting a new niche site, focus on your existing one by adding new articles and discovering fresh keywords.

Listen, maybe you picked a tough niche or targeted highly competitive keywords. But take a closer look; your site has already gained some authority. Starting a new niche site will take time to reach the same level of authority your current one already has. If you invest the time you’d spend on a new project into your old one, you’ll see much better ROI (return on investment). It’s bound to work.

You can work with any niche. Almost every niche has easy keywords; some are easier to find than others, but that’s the only difference.

Now, let me offer a solution to your problem.

Find easy, low-search-volume keywords within your niche (now that you’re more experienced, I’m confident you can identify these keywords through research). Once you have them, create well-organized articles based on those keywords and add them to your site.

You’ll notice that these articles will start ranking without needing many backlinks or essential link-building.

Sounds strange? Try it and see for yourself.

Mistakes in Domain Selection

When you first started, you didn’t clearly understand how to choose a domain for a niche site. You’ve learned that a brandable domain is generally better than an Exact Match Domain (EMD) or Partial Match Domain (PMD). But before gaining this knowledge, you may have already started working with an EMD or PMD. Now you think there’s nothing more you can do with this site and just wasting money on it.

আমি কিতার মধ্যে টাহা ঢালতেছি

But no, my friend, there’s no need to think like that. Many people are still successfully working with Exact Match and Partial Match Domains, and they’re doing just fine.

Don’t believe it?

Try searching for any keyword and see if a matching domain is available. You won’t find one in 95% of cases, especially for keywords with 2 to 4 words.

So, using the excuse of a “mistake in domain selection” to start a new project doesn’t make sense. There’s no need to abandon your current site just because of this.

If There Are Issues with Articles/Content

I would say this is not a big issue at all. This is a common challenge for non-native speakers like us who work on niche sites. Minor grammatical errors or awkward sentence structures in an article are entirely standard.

Look at this text I’m writing. Do you think there are no mistakes? If you search carefully, you’ll probably find spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and sentence structure issues. But does that mean you stopped reading halfway through? No, you’ve made it this far because you found it valuable enough to keep reading.

Exactly! The main thing to focus on in an article is whether there are factual errors. Minor grammatical mistakes or awkward sentences won’t make much of a difference.

But what if there are factual errors?

Then, correct them. Read through each line of your article and verify the critical information. That’s it!

Feeling more relaxed about content now? You can hire an excellent editor to proofread or edit the articles. But it’s often best to do this yourself for better control and understanding of your content.

Mistakes in On-Page and Off-Page SEO

Here, we need to address two aspects:

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

Let’s start with off-page SEO. There’s no need to stress too much about it. What’s done is done. Leave it as it is unless there’s a significant mistake. Instead, focus on the future to avoid substantial errors like getting links from bad sites, using the wrong anchor text, or over-optimizing anchor texts. Make sure these mistakes don’t happen going forward.

As for on-page SEO, you have complete control. You can fix things and rearrange them as you see fit. However, don’t make changes frequently or daily. Take the time to study on-page SEO properly. Look at your competitors’ sites and analyze them. Then, set aside a day to review and optimize your on-page SEO thoroughly. That way, you can make meaningful improvements without constantly tinkering with it.

If You’ve Made a Mistake in Product Selection

Product selection is essential, and it’s something you should do with care. Good product choices can significantly improve your conversion rates. However, a niche site won’t fail solely because of product selection. If your product choices hold your site back, research better products and update your recommendations.

Is that all?

Not quite. I think there’s a bit more to say here.

And Other Issues

There are undoubtedly other potential issues that could arise. Identify them. Nothing specific comes to mind, but if you discover a problem, remember there’s always a solution. Once you find the issue, approach it step by step, and you’ll be able to resolve it.

In short, no matter your mistakes, your niche site isn’t beyond saving. By addressing each issue thoughtfully, you can turn things around.

Final Words

At the end of the day, I want to leave you with one thought: working on a niche site for six months to a year means you’ve likely invested at least 100,000 Taka, if not more. Let’s not even factor in the value of your hard work and dedication.

After investing so much time and money, would you really want to abandon the project when you know it’s still possible to make it valuable? Especially when you know the same mistakes could happen in your next project.

Think about it, dear brother and sister.

Reflect deeply. Commit yourself to making the project you’re already working on valuable.

Success isn’t far away. It’s within your reach. You just need to learn how to reach out and grab it.

Stay well, everyone.
Happy Affiliate Marketing!

19 thoughts on “How to Turn a Failed Niche Site into a Success?”

  1. লিখিত সমস্যা এর সাথে আমার সমস্যাগুলোও মিলে গিয়েছে কিছু, এখন আর সেই সমস্যা, সমস্যা মনে হচ্ছেনা। কারণ আপনার দেওয়া যাদু আমার মাথায় ঢুকে গেছে?

  2. ভাইরে ভাই !! ভাবছিলাম সেল দিয়া দিমু। কিন্তু এখন তো দেখি টরে টাকা। ধন্যবাদ ভাই।

  3. ভাই এই লেখাটা পড়ার 10 মিনিট আগে সাইট টা বিক্রয় করতে চাইছিলাম । কিন্তু সাইট এর দাম বলে 6 থেকে 7 হাজার টাকা । 15000 টাকার মত ব্যয় করে 6 থেকে 7 হাজার টাকা সাইট এর দাম শুনে মনটা খারাপ হয়ে গেলো । তাই খারাপ মন নিয়ে আশি facebook চালাতে আর এসেই পেয়ে যায় আপনার পোষ্ট টা । আর এই লেখাটা পড়ে আবার সাইটয়ে কাজ করতে মন চাসচ্ছে। কিন্তু many is problem মনে হয় না কাজ করতে পারব। কিন্তু কনফিন্ডেন অনেক বাড়ছে। আমার নিস বাইক হওয়া পোষ্ট টা আমার সাথে হুবুহু মিলে গেছে । ভাই আপনাকে অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ।

  4. খুবই ইনফরমেটিভ একটা আর্টিকেল পড়লাম। যরা এরকম সমস্যায় আছেন তাদের সাথে সাথে আমাদের নতুনদেরও অনেক কাজে আসবে। এগুলো থেকে সহজেই এখন পরিত্রান পাওয়া যাবে। ধন্যবাদ ভাই।

  5. অনেক দিন ধরেই এ সমস্যা টায় ভুগতেছি। আর্টিকেল টা পড়ে অনেক কনফিডেন্স বাড়ল। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ভাইয়া।
    ভালবাসা অবিরাম।

  6. খুব ভাল ইনফরমেশন ভাই। পোস্টটি পড়ার পর খুবই উপকৃত হলাম। ধন্যবাদ।

  7. আপনার পোষ্টটি পড়ে আমার অনেক ভালো লাগলো
    আমার অনেক সমস্যা আপনার পোস্টের সাথে মিলে গেছে
    অনেক ধন্যবাদ ভাই

  8. Thank your for your informative article.
    Would you please suggest any tutorial for Amazon affiliate keyword research?

    It will be helpful for me to start the affiliate marketing.

    Thank you again.


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