How should you email a niche site owner for a guest post? What should you write, and how much? Is there something you can say that will guarantee a response? How can you increase your conversion rate?
Well, I’ll be sharing my own experience here on how I approach guest posting. If anyone has objections (which is natural), feel free to avoid this method.
I’ve broken down my proposal strategy into three parts. My main goal is to get a backlink, and I do everything in the proposal to make that happen. Before I write the proposal, I decide how to craft the offer.
Note: I don’t use a specific template. I write what’s necessary at the moment and send it. However, I’ll describe the general format I follow.

Guest Post Proposal Types:
- Backlink through new guest posts
- Backlink from existing articles
- Backlink through link exchange or swap
1. Proposal for a New Guest Post
In this case, I first carefully examine the site. I try to understand what type of article the site owner is likely to accept and how that article can align with my site.
Based on that, I found a similar informative keyword, preferably low-competition with a catchy title. Then I email the site owner like this:
Subject: Guest Post Suggestion for Your Site
Dear Barek,
I really liked your site. I think it would be great to have an article on the following topic:
- Keyword: Using Vanilla Ice Cream
- Title: 7 Creative Benefits of Using Vanilla Ice Cream
- Search Volume: 1,470
- Difficulty: 0 (according to Ahrefs)
This article would strengthen your current article [insert link to money article]. If you’re interested, I can write the article and send it to you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Salam Ali
2. Proposal for Backlink from Existing Articles
For this, I research their site to find an article most similar to mine. Once I find it, I send a proposal like this:
Subject: Backlink Suggestion for Your Existing Article
Dear Rahmat,
I’m interested in getting a backlink from your article [insert link] using the anchor text “[insert anchor text]” that would link to my article [insert link to my article].
For this, I’m happy to offer you $10 (sometimes $15 or a maximum of $20). If you’re interested, please create the link and send me your PayPal ID. I’ll pay you instantly.
Thank you,
Salam Ali
3. Link Exchange or Swap Proposal
In this case, I find a site similar to mine and send the following email:
Subject: Link Exchange Proposal
Dear Karim,
I want to request a backlink from your site [insert a link to their site] in exchange for a backlink from my site [insert a link to my other site].
Let me know if you’re interested.
Best regards,
Salam Ali
That’s pretty much it. I’ve tried to explain everything clearly, but if anyone has difficulty understanding, feel free to ask.
Disclaimer: If this method doesn’t work for you, I’m not responsible. However, it has worked for me, so there’s a good chance it will work for you too. Give it a try!
Caution: Don’t copy and paste the proposal exactly. Write your version in your style, keeping it concise. The shorter and clearer your proposal, the higher the conversion rate will be, Insha’Allah. Best of luck!
These days, getting a guest post can be quite challenging. The more creativity you bring to the process, the higher your chances of success. The more you brainstorm and come up with fresh ideas, the less work and effort you’ll need to put in.
amake ak vai bollo direct link exchange korle naki problem hoy?
এখানে ডিরেক্ট লিংক এক্সচেঞ্জের কথা বলা হয়নি ভাই। ধন্যবাদ।
ami last er ta follow kortam. But baki 2ita peiye vhalo laglo tips.
Thank you.
জেনে ভালো লাগলো। ধন্যবাদ ভাই।
ডিয়ার বেলাল ভাই,
আমি আপনার একজন বড় ফ্যান। আপনার ব্লগ তো রীতিমত পড়াশোনা হয় এবং আপনার পিডিএপ বইটা পড়তে এতোই ভালো লাগছে যে আমি ১দিনেই বইটা পড়া শেষ করে পেলছি। “বিশেষ করে আপনার অফপেজ এসইও টা খুব ভালো লাগছে” আপনার সাইট থেকে একটা ব্যাকলিংক পেতে চাই আমার এই সাইট (এর জন্য। বিনিময়ে আপনি আমার এই সাইট ( থেকে একটা ব্যাকলিংক নিতে পারেন।
আপনার ট্রুডেন্ট হিসাবে বিবেচনা করবেন।
মোঃ বোরহান উদ্দিন
সম্ভব ডটকম।
দারুণ লিখেছেন নতুনদের জন্য বিল্লাল ভাই ।অনেক ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে ।
সুন্দর লিখেছেন